Friday, November 27, 2009


The Thanksgiving cooking and cleaning up are finished for 2009. Now all we have to do is eat the leftover sweet potatoes, dressing, pole beans, ambrosia, apple pie and pumpkin pie. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. This is the first time in 13 years I have cooked Thanksgiving dinner for the two of us. Well, actually, three of us if you count the Nervous Little Red Dog who used her secret weapon - the extremely powerful "Hypnotizer" - to con way too much chicken out of the Taller Half.

I wanted to get a couple of photos of the table and us before the chowing down began so I put the camera in the windowsill and set the self-timer. This was the first time I had tried this feature and wasn't sure what to expect. Well, actually, I expected it not to work at all. As my friends and family will attest - I don't need no stinkin' instructions. This time, though, I did read the manual first. You can flip the view screen around on my camera so aiming it was pretty easy. Ok, now, we're lined the button...try not to trip over the chair leg getting back to the table (I'm still limping from the head-on collision of my toe and a chair leg 3 months ago). we go...and the Nervous Little Red dog wakes up from her nap in time for her close-up. Ah, The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley. You can add dogs to that equation now.

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