The Christmas boxes are all over the sunporch in varying stages of unpackedness (if that's not a word, it ought to be) and I'm rooting through them picking out the things I want to decorate with this year. The cats are delighted to have new places to get into and they keep bringing bits of ribbon and greenery for my consideration. Nervous Little Red Dog is barking maniacally at the Taller Half who is outside on the ladder putting up icicle lights on the house. He is fa-la-la-ing in an endearingly off-key baritone as he works. The little kitten who showed up a few days ago is very busy helping him with the lights and every now and then I'll here the singing interrupted with "don't chew on the electrical tape you moron" or "I'm going to throw you in the canal if you pull that garland down one more time". Ahh, the sounds of Christmas. Mama-in-law is fixing the wreaths for the doors and the spray of greenery to put on the mailbox since I don't have the patience to fiddle with all those floral picks and bows. She's good at it and I'm not - I always end up cussing. Tonight we'll light the second candle on the Advent wreath Veronica made and brought with her from Prague last week. It is beautiful and so far Davie hasn't chewed on it.
Gulf Shores Christmas tree on the beach
Here's a short video from the city Christmas tree lighting party last night on the beach. Hot chocolate and cookies, Santa and snow machines, Old friends and family, now that's a celebration.
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