Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just What I Need...

Well, I'm sunk now. I opened an account on Twitter. It is oddly addicting and highly time consuming. Just another thing to try to limit myself on. Speaking of limits, I went to the bead shop for eye pins and came home with a sack of beads. I swore I wouldn't buy any more until I had sold a bunch more pieces of jewelry and started to whittle down my store of pretties. So much for willpower. Sigh...
semi-precious stone eyeglasses holder
I'm offering Free Shipping in my BeadDEyes shop on Etsy - that's where I sell beaded eyeglasses holders. I've made several sales in a local shop and need to get more listed on Etsy. Maybe I'll get more creative time now that the Taller Half has gone back offshore for a few weeks. I just need to stay away from the bead shops. I don't need new beads-I don't need new beads-I don't need new beads-I don't need new beads...

the old man and the sea

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